What do you do in your spare time? What are your hobbies?
I photograph and I am studying medicine.
What's your most embarrassing moment was in front of the camera?
My first day of shooting. Since I'm so excited 7x the juice dumped next to the glass.
looks like with you a typical Sunday?
There are no typical Sunday, but I love to wander through flea markets.
you were already recognized by fans? What happened?
Older women are like a hook without asking for me ... ;)
your first TV experience (as consumer)?
I could as a child only "The Mouse TV "look. I am grateful.
What is so special for you" butterflies in my stomach?
* Nelly is to fall in love (messy, lovable, funny).
* Conscience.
* That love is told as it is.?
Rosy and difficult and not always correctly
What brings you laugh
What can you up the wall
* That one is a philistine if? one is Non smoking.
* If people do not think ahead.
what Without You never leave the house?
Always happy without my keys.
What do you sing in the shower?
No Need to Argue
What would you risk your life?
for my children.
Can you cook? If so, what?
Anyone who claims he can not cook, spins. There are cookbooks. Then to set NEN pot on the stove, usually first with water and then followed a recipe.
What is success for you?
If my children are honest and good people.
What's with you for breakfast?
yogurt, cereals and water
fashion sins? What would you never wear?
There's a lot! Buffalo, fur coats, Tussi-Mist
Who or what do you endure only with humor?
Nordic Walking
What is the greatest misfortune for you?
That there is no stand-by mode for my brain (such as when asleep) and that so many brains are full-time in stand by mode.
What mistakes are you apologizing most?
What qualities do you appreciate in a man the most?
verbal acrobatics, creativity, inner peace, they must not themselves at the center of the world. What
Features you value most in a woman?
verbal acrobatics, creativity, inner peace, the power to keep everything together (children, family, occupation).
your strengths?
my previous life, especially my childhood and my family
your greatest weakness?
That I am always surprised that the day is not 27 hours.
your life motto?
Enough is enough.
favorite saying?
You are what you eat.
Do you have a pet?
As a child I had a rabbit and a cat, then later black and white mice and briefly flown a parakeet.
What is your biggest dream? What you always wanted to do before?
get around the world.
(Source: Sat1 Sib)
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